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Challenge Day Photos:
Successful students at the Suffolk, VA Challenge.
Delivering the object to the drop box in the Sea Challenge at PSU Altoona.
Members of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), judge at the Sea Air Land Challenge hosted at Andrews AFB 3-6-24 (DoD photo by C. R. Nicely)
Drone carrying a rover for the Combined Air-Land Challenge at Millersville University in south central PA.
Scene at the Land Challenge at Buckeye Local HS in eastern Ohio.
Thank you DTRA for the T-shirts!
Dropping the last block in the Sea Challenge at PSU Altoona 2022
Flying the air course at the Berks Co. SeAL Challenge at the Reading Public Museum.
Delivering block #5 to the drop box at the Northern PA Land Challenge at Bradford HS
Winning Team – Best Execution in the Air Challenge – Middle School Division, Suffolk Public Schools
Sea Air and Land Challenge – drone demo at PSU ARL
McCaskey’s air team flies at the South Central PA SeAL Challenge
Land team discussion with Navy PO Timmons in Lancaster PA
Launching their submersible at the northern PA Challenge in Bradford
Land Challenge at PSU’s Summer Bridge Program at University Park
The accomplished sea and air teams from St. Mary’s HS in Northern PA
Presentation on STEM Careers at the PSU Altoona SeAL Challenge
Land team driving their rover at the Eastern PA Challenge at the Reading Museum, Reading, PA
A team effort at the Berks Co (IU14) Challenge in Reading, PA
Driving their land rover at the Eastern Ohio Challenge
Making repairs at the Central PA Challenge held at PSU Altoona
STEM opportunities presented by DTRA
Judging a Virtual Challenge
Closing Remarks by Elizabethtown College’s Dean Atwood