Regional Coordinator (Calendar)

October through January
Introduce local schools to the Challenge
Have schools register via the SeAL Challenge website
Send welcome/introductory materials to registered schools*
Choose a Challenge Day location and date
Recruit volunteer engineering mentors*

Have student teams register (fall semester through February)
Have students take the Pre-Challenge survey providing the survey code
Provide educators/teams with the PDR due date
Ensure each team who wants to work with an engineering mentor has been linked
Prepare Challenge Day courses (through Challenge Day)

Send reminders for PDR due date
Have PDRs reviewed, scored and returned*
Arrange for keynote speaker*, water tank fill (often via local fire dept.), judges and volunteers for Challenge Day (now through Challenge Day)
(Optional) Arrange for any banners, awards, programs, promotional items, tours, food

Provide information and due date for Air Challenge teams flight inspection video (~ 2 weeks prior to Challenge Day)

April and May
Share schedule for upcoming Challenge Day with all participants
Receive clearances for adults
Send out and receive completed permission and media release forms for students
Receive each air team’s flight inspection video
Hold Challenge Day (usu. Mid April to mid May)
Provide post challenge surveys*

*PSU ARL’s Sea Air and Land Group can assist with these activities

Note that as a Regional Coordinator you may alternatively choose to offer the SeAL Challenge in the fall semester or as a summer camp or program.